The second option of storage accounting has also been developed, which provides for the availability of office store rooms. The main difference is that automatic material disposal can only take place at the office where patients are admitted. This type of storage accounting is suitable for larger clinics with multiple offices, each of which is assigned to separate inventory custodians.
The store rooms are organized as follows. Initially, all medicines and materials used by the clinic should be added to the "Materials" section, categorizing them by name and ID number. When adding each new material to a category, you also need to specify measurement units and minimum quantity. The minimum quantity of material is how much of it should remain in stock for this item to appear in the "Running Out" section, which will allow you to quickly order the products from the supplier.
The system provides two types of storage: "Main Storage" and secondary "Office store rooms".
THE MAIN STORAGE accepts materials from outside. The storekeeper receives them from suppliers, and then moves the materials to store rooms as needed. Materials can also be written off from the main storage by stating the reason, e.g. "Product damaged" or "Product expired".
OFFICE STORE ROOMS are created automatically when you create offices in the Workplace Management section and have a number corresponding to the office. These store rooms are needed to account for the materials in the offices where they are directly applied. With this type of storage, you can:
- Receive materials from the main storage or from other offices.
- Write-off materials manually (automatic material disposal occurs directly from the patient's record, and after that appears in the statistics of the office store room).
- Move materials to other office store rooms.
If you think that a newly created office does not need a store room, you can delete the corresponding store room, but only if it has no material movement history. You also can’t remove a clinic office if its store room has a material movement history. You can create an additional secondary storage, for example, a storage hall, where prosthodontics samples or anything else that needs accounting will be presented. To create a new storage, you need to press "+" next to the drop-down list of office store rooms. The storage created in this way will have all the features of secondary storage, except for the feature of automatic material disposal.
After adding all the materials used by the clinic to the database, you will be able to receive them at the storage. To accept materials, click on "Receipt" in the MAIN STORAGE section and select "Accept material to the main storage".
After that, in a pop-up window, select materials from the list of materials used by the clinic (if there are no such materials in the list, materials should be included in this list beforehand). Having selected the materials that arrived at the clinic, the storekeeper indicates their quantity in accordance with the specified units of measurement, as well as the price of products per unit.
After that, the storekeeper specifies the supplier, their contacts and clicks APPLY MATERIALS TO STOCK. After that, all accepted materials will be displayed in the Available section of the main storage. Also in the "Receipt" section, you will see the archive of all previous material receipts.
The material availability table of the main storage includes a list of all materials in the main storage. The table shows the material, its ID number, the category it belongs to, its quantity, units of measurement, the last supplier of this product and the current price per unit (the one that was specified in the latest material receipt documentation will be displayed). By clicking on one of the items, you can view reports on the movement of this material in the main storage.
The storekeeper can write off materials from the main storage. To do this, go to the “Disposal” section and press the corresponding button. After that you should select the material you need, specify the quantity to be written off, the reason for disposal, for example, "Product damaged", and if necessary, leave a comment and click "Dispose"
To move materials from the main storage you need to go to "Transfer", click "Transfer materials", select the desired material and specify the quantity to be transferred. After that, you should specify the office where you are going to transfer the materials and write a comment (for example, explaining you are transferring it at someone’s request). Clicking "Transfer materials" will create a transfer request, which must be confirmed by the recipient in the corresponding office store room. Afterward, you will see this request in the archive of main storage transfers.
Materials can be transferred from main storage or from one store room to another. In order to have a certain material, for example, Lidocaine, transferred from the main storage to your office, the storekeeper must create a transfer request to your office from the main storage, and you must confirm the transfer.
To confirm the transfer, you need to go to the "Receipt" section in your office store room and click "Confirm". As a result, you will see the list of items to be moved and click to accept or reject the transfer.
After you accept the material, it will be displayed in the Available section of your office store room and in the receipt archive. By clicking on one of the items, you can also see a report on this material transfer to your store room.
Material disposal from store rooms can be done both manually and automatically.
If in the "Services and prices" tab, you account for the consumption of materials, then after an appointment is over, you will see the MATERIAL CONSUMPTION button related to this appointment. By clicking it, you will see the materials consumed and their cost, and if necessary you will be able to edit their quantity and add additional materials spent. By leaving a comment and clicking "Dispose", you’ll complete the material disposal. Only those involved in the appointment (doctors and assistants) can write off the materials. You can also write off materials from the store room due to expiration or other reasons.
The transfer of materials here fully corresponds to the transfers from the main storage, but it’s important to understand that you can’t return materials to the main storage, because materials at the main storage can only be received from suppliers. In other words, you can only transfer materials from the secondary storage to another secondary storage.
In this table, you can see materials and their total quantity in all clinic’s storage facilities. In order to see where these materials are and in what quantity, you need to click on the desired item.
In order to view the materials that are RUNNING OUT, you need to click on the button of the same name. After that, only those materials will be displayed in the list, the quantity of which is less than the minimum quantity (specified earlier in the MATERIALS section, Storage tab).